Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How Obamacare Is Viewed From The Hood

Now that Obamacare is the law of the land I am left wondering how the most creative minds will sieze on this new opportunity to create wealth for themselves. Nearly every social program, stimulas, and do-gooder idea becomes a temporary jackpot for the nations most devious minds. Government programs are like a giant feast with 1000's of hungry little dogs begging for table scraps. Give them a piece of meatloaf and the begging becomes more intense and the plotting begins. Just get up and leave the table for a minute and the most lovable little pooch will be on the table devouring what's left of the mashed potatoes. Some dogs are pretty clever.

Food stamps have been the easiest way to scam the tax payers.  When actual "stamps" were used, the recipient simply sold them for less than face value or traded them directly for drugs.  The government wised up and began issuing a rechargeable card to food stamp recipients.  Here in Ohio, the poor have had to get new cards issued after loosing them.  Some recipients have lost their card over 70 times!  I'm sure these folks are perfectly honest, just need to improve their memory skills a bit.  The United States loose 750 million per year to food stamp fraud. See the video below.

Its not just the ghetto either, the Stimulus Program spent a boatload of money overseas, mostly in China for the beloved "Green Energy". Just another example of how we have allowed our leaders to over tax us and under manage the efficiency of how funds are spent.

Sadly we have learned very little from our failures which means we will repeat the same mistakes again and again.  The road to hell was paved with good intentions and so long as we try to save everyone and eliminate their consequences of bad behavior, we will continue to crap away the big bucks.  But liberals we feel good knowing that they tried to do the right thing. I'm not upset with the little dog who steals food from the table but the guy who left the vittles available deserves to loose them.  It's time to wake up and smell the coffee.  These social programs are a disaster and I'm sure the hood is filled with creative criminal minds who are licking their chops waiting for Obamacare to get into full swing.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

What If The Democrats Could...

A very dear but liberal friend of mine posted a Huff-Post article today titled Hate Obamacare? Don't Worry Here Are Countries you Can Move To. I tried to open it but the link was faulty (typical for the Huff-post) so I cant comment directly. However, I started thinking for a minute "What if all conservatives left the county?". What if The liberals had no opposition to their agenda. Here is my predictions.

1. Military spending would be reduced to 10 percent of the current budget. Troops would come home and they would mostly sign up for college classes, taking advantage of the GI Bill.

2. Obamacare would be immediatly converted to a single payer system since that is the longterm goal of liberals and without conservatives to block it, WHY WAIT? It's utopia, everything is free!

3. With those pesky military guys out of the way all military bases and the Pentagon would be turned into government housing for the "Occupy Movement". Aircraft carriers are converted into floating luxary appartments for the homeless.

4. The unions are loved by all and all workers are now protected by the union of their choice. All employees make equal wages regarless of age, race, creed, religion, skill, education, sex or anything else. Evil CEO's are a thing of the past, they make the same wage as the janitor. Perfect fairness prevails, you get paid the same whether you work hard or not at.

5. Hmmm, despite the high pay of all the union jobs, after union dues and the 73 percent income tax, there isnt much left to live on. Government housing is free now and healthcare is totally free. Well, at least when the union doctors and nurses decide to come to work.

6. Transportation is a becoming a problem too. Since we stopped pumping oil in America gas prices have gone up to 18.00 per gallon. There are incentives to driving an electric car but the union built car cost 87,000.00. The environment is beautiful though. The trees are big and the web-footed red-crested lake loon can fly peacfully and unencumbered by all the scurvy, mean, hateful, rebublicans that used to live here.

7. The congressional right wing now lead by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schummer, and Al Sharpton have done away with budgets completely. Tax revenues are up 227 percent but spending is up 367 percent. It's worth it though since everyone has equal outcomes in their employment. The Chinese are a tad pissy though, somthing about interest payments. I dont know they must be racists. They dont get it. Hate is part of their culture, evidently.

8. Oh shit we are being attacked and we have no military to protect us. The people have no guns since we did away with the second amendment and private gun ownership. Looks like we are gonna loose New York to an enemy. Funny, I didnt see Switzerland as a military force. The citizens tried to reason with the enemy and share some snacks with them but they will not listen.

9. In th meantime, the former GOP members who moved to europe have gotten things in line there. The economic problems are a thing of the past, people are working, motivivated by opportunity and excellence. Investors are investing, companies are expanding, socialzed medicine has been discontinued. The best and the brightest are becoming doctors, regulations have been reduced to a resonable amount, the trial lawyers have been given their walking papers and malpractice insurance is affordable. We will probably come home as soon as the Peoples Republic of Switzerland finishes kicking the shit out of the hippies.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

SCOTUS Rules, What Now

The Supreme Court has once again ruled in a manner that is not black and white but a whiter shade of pale.  Chief Justice Roberts writes in the majority that the individual mandate cannot be upheld by the commerce clause but Congress does have the authority to tax the people.  Regardless of the details, history will recognize that the court upheld "Obama-care" as constitutional.  It would be simple to side with the minority opinion which was too throw out the entire law as unconstitutional.  However, I agree with Chief Justice Roberts that it is not the courts job to determine whether or not the law is good, just whether it violates our constitution. It is our job hold our public servants accountable.  


First, I will point out that President Obama himself made the best argument against the individual mandate. He correctly points out that in Massachusetts, many could not afford the coverage and now they must pay a new "TAX."  So not only are they without health care coverage but they have even less money. It appears the president changed his mind or else he simply used good logic when debating Hillary Clinton.

The Effect On The Middle Class
The Democrats have long touted their association with the working man and the middle class.  Once again, the policy they have created will be paid for by regular "Joes" like me.  The Affordable Healthcare Tax Act will not effect the wealthy as they all have health care coverage already.  The poor cannot afford it and will get it for free as they have no way to pay the "TAX" or the premiums. The middle class is the target rather of the new "TAX" rather than the beneficiary of the new law.

The only way this new law passes constitutional muster is as a "TAX".  Here is what Obama said about new taxes while campaigning.  Read his lips!

Something Smells Fishy
When considering what President Obama's motive for this new law.  He is on the record saying that he really is for a single payer program where the government is the sole health insurance company.  We are 100% dependent on them for all of our health care needs.   He believes that the new law is a stepping stone to single payer.  As shown in the video below.

One problem I see is that the "TAX" is likely less expensive than the insurance premiums.  If I was young and healthy I might opt to pay the "TAX" instead of buying the required coverage.  If I was a struggling business owner I might opt to pay the "TAX" for my employees rather than actual health care coverage.  Reducing costs is very important and may be the difference in companies surviving this depression* and going out of business.  The mean uncaring business owner would then be portrayed as an evil employer and the next logical move would be to advance to single payer which is Obama's plan to begin with.  If the idea of single payer sounds attractive to you, go into a busy post office, the BMV, or some other government office and tell me you want these folks to take over health care.  

Bottom Line
If you believe Obama-care is going to save you money, you are mistaken.  If you don't currently have health insurance you will be forced to buy it or pay the "TAX."  I guess this makes me Pro-Choice! We must all join together to rid ourselves of Barrack Obama and other congressional Democrats.  I was not very excited about Mitt Romney but I will cast my vote for him in November.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

This Is Not My Grandpa's Democratic Party

I had a discussion with my cousin earlier today regarding some left wing nonsense he had on his Facebook page. He is a little older than me and I've always looked up to him. We rarely discuss politics because he is from the democratic side of the family and we really love each other so we usually refrain. Be that as it may, our ego's got the best of us and we traded political punches.

 I hit him with "Grandpa would not be able to stomach today's democratic party".

 I love this because I'm putting words in the mouth of a deceased democrat and declaring it as a fact.

 Cuz had a cleaver response: "I know he hated Reagan".

 True enough, he did detest the Gipper and was not shy about letting everyone know it. He was a lifelong democrat as far as I know, a proud member of the party that fought for the working man. He was white, catholic, middle class, hardworking, grouchy, a tad racist and had no use for laziness. The era he grew up in produced a lot a great Americans just like him. The working man in the past didn't have the the laws we have today that protect workers and they did not have agencies like OSHA. They had to fight for decent working conditions, fair pay, and decency in the workplace. This is very different than the work environment today. I cannot walk into our plant without proper ear and eye protection paid for by the company I work for.

 The democrat party has gone from that of the working man to that of the non-working man. It is the party that protects the guy who doesn't like to work, non-traditional working woman, environmentalists, and the academic elite. They say we are a bunch a grouchy old bastards who refuse to change with the times. They view our constitution as a living document rather than the law of the land. Today's democrat sees all problems solved by government and other peoples money. They detest any mention of religion and associate all Christians with the Puritans who executed the witches in Salem.

 Catholics have gravitated to the democratic party for years largely because of the their commitment to feeding the poor. The abortion issue causes some discomfort for sure but Catholics have been able to stomach it believing the good outwieghs the bad. However, with Obama making a play to force Catholic employers to pay for contraceptives and abortions, many are beginning to flip.

 Something smells fishy when grandpa's democratic party is all too happy to pay the lazy to stay home. Oh did I say that? I must be a hater! Sorry, my dad and grandpa both said if you refused to work, you were a useless lazy peace a crap. This used to be called values, today it's hate speak. In the Obama economy we are expected to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and head to the welfare office. Oh brother...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

11 O'Clock Blues Break

Welcome to the 11 O'Clock Blues Break.  Taking a break from conservative politics and relaxing with the best  Soul Searching, 
Ain't Got o Money,
Your Baby just left you,


Good Night Folks.....

Let's Not Get Cocky!

This is not a time for conservatives to rest on their laurels even though the latest polling looks good for Mitt Romney's chances of winning the White House.  The latest New York Times/CBS poll that President Obama could be loosing support from woman voters and independents.  Democrats are sounding the alarm and scrambling to pull it together!

While Obama continues to pander shamelessly to woman and gay voters, they seem to checking their own pulse rather than listening to the democratic talking points which seem to be far flight from reality.  The polls are showing that Obama has lost 5 points among women moderates, and independents.  Despite the hope America once had in the smooth talking man from Chicago, he is being held accountable as he expected.  

Democratic strategist James Carville warned Democrats back in September of 2011 that Obama needed to fire someone. He said: “Today I was mulling over election results from New York and Nevada while thinking about that very question. What should the White House do now? One word came to mind: Panic.”
Read more:
Again last week, Carville warns Democrats to WTFU which stands for "Wake The Fuck Up." 

However, something smells fishy when the Democrats publicly appear nervous rather than arrogant.  We must continue on with the same intensity as though we are loosing by 25 points.  OSU coach Woody Hayes was asked why he went for a two point conversion when his team was winning by a very large margin. 

 He replied "Because they wouldn't let me go for three!" 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Gay Marriage: A Different Conservative View

Conservatives may want to consider a few things when taking a position on same sex marriage.  I was pretty vocal for many years about my opposition even to freinds and family members who are living an alternative lifestyle.  I consider marriage to be a religious sacrament and one not to be taken lightly.  My wife and I were married in the catholic church where sacraments are a top priority.  It seemed that same sex couples cannot be married unless we change the definition of marriage.  While I maintained my position, I truly have no ill will for gay and lesbian couples.  I don't believe that God hates anybody for any reason and we are all brothers and sisters in some sense.

There is much more to the issue of same sex marriage when we consider the tax codes, laws, customs, and personal liberty.  The tax code has evolved over time and married couples have been given certain advantages over single folks.  The reason is mainly political rather than logical.  Our tax laws have been created based on getting votes for our law makers instead of common sense or fairness.  Ask yourself:

  • Did our founding fathers intend on one group of Americans paying more taxes than others based on their marital status?
  • Putting the same sex marriage issue aside, should single Americans pay a higher tax rate than married couples?
  • Does a same sex couple present a higher risk to an insurance company than a married couple?

  I was perplexed when a man I knew was dying in the hospital and his partner of many years was not able to access any information regarding his condition because they were not "family". The doctors would not talk to him and I found the whole thing really disturbing.  The hospital was bound by laws and could not release information and the dying man (who was in a coma) had nobody else to look after his affairs.

 I also wonder why the government issues marriage licenses anyway.  If marriage is a religious sacrament, why does the government have any say in it at all.  This sounds like our government is taking a stance or affiliating itself with the establishment of religion.  My thoughts are simple marriage license = tax revenues.    To many Americans, marriage is more of a contract than a sacrament.  The non-religious get married for a whole host of reasons including tax advantages, insurance advantages, estate and financial planning ect.  They also stay single for similar reasons especially if they are on public assistance.

The new amendment in North Carolina seems to go beyond protecting marriage as a sacrament.  It does not allow rights to be achieved by contract or civil union either.  Do we seek to punish gays in the name of conservatism?  Do we believe all men are created equal or not?  How can we defend the constitution and all the personal liberties associated with it while disallowing a segment of our citizens to struggling to manage basic financial matters.  Simple boiler plate contracts could be very helpful in helping gay and lesbian couples solve some basic issues without offending social conservatives.   Insurance companies, lead by market driven purpose, could allow gay and lesbian couples to enroll with the same benefits as traditional couples.

Bottom line:  What do I care if a gay couple has a church that will marry them?  What if they have a contract or civil union to help them manage their lives?  I'm not mad at them, I don't care what their sexual practices are, and I frankly prefer to mind my own business.  I'm a political conservative who believes in a smaller less intrusive government, personal freedom and liberty, lower taxes, and personal responsibility.  I believe the federal government should do only those things the constitution empowers it to do.  I don't believe in trying to legislate morality since it is so deeply steeped in religion for some and not at all for others.  I welcome your comments whether you disagree or agree.    

Voter ID Is Not A Hardship.

The politics of voter identification are a hot topic and require getting past all of the left wing hype regarding voter suppression.  The right to vote is certainly held in high regard but also is the importance of election results that are dependable and accurate.  The left would have you believe that requiring an ID is unreasonable and designed to suppress the minority vote.  Rep. Tim Ryan-D says 25% of blacks do not have proper identification and asks "where is the Tea Party" on this issue.  I ask why are blacks not outraged at the assertion that they are too poor, too stupid, or too incapable of obtaining a drivers license or state ID?  I don't believe that 25% of blacks cannot meet the basic requirements of cashing a check.

I have to show my ID to buy a had gun. Is this an infringement to my constitutional rights?  Sure it is and there is no limit to the number of guns I may own as a US citizen.  However, with voting I may only vote once per election. It is perfectly appropriate to confirm the identity of each voter.  States that require voter ID have gone out of their way to accommodate those who need to obtain identification.  North Carolina will pick people up and take them to get their ID, if needed. According to the states governor, only 17 people have taken advantage of this program. Ohio will issue ID's at no cost to those who claim they cannot afford it.

Something Smells Fishy when the Democratic Party, who has a record of voter fraud, makes such a stink about protecting voters rather than the accuracy of elections.  Makes me wonder if they have a plan to steal the 2012 election.