Sunday, May 13, 2012

Voter ID Is Not A Hardship.

The politics of voter identification are a hot topic and require getting past all of the left wing hype regarding voter suppression.  The right to vote is certainly held in high regard but also is the importance of election results that are dependable and accurate.  The left would have you believe that requiring an ID is unreasonable and designed to suppress the minority vote.  Rep. Tim Ryan-D says 25% of blacks do not have proper identification and asks "where is the Tea Party" on this issue.  I ask why are blacks not outraged at the assertion that they are too poor, too stupid, or too incapable of obtaining a drivers license or state ID?  I don't believe that 25% of blacks cannot meet the basic requirements of cashing a check.

I have to show my ID to buy a had gun. Is this an infringement to my constitutional rights?  Sure it is and there is no limit to the number of guns I may own as a US citizen.  However, with voting I may only vote once per election. It is perfectly appropriate to confirm the identity of each voter.  States that require voter ID have gone out of their way to accommodate those who need to obtain identification.  North Carolina will pick people up and take them to get their ID, if needed. According to the states governor, only 17 people have taken advantage of this program. Ohio will issue ID's at no cost to those who claim they cannot afford it.

Something Smells Fishy when the Democratic Party, who has a record of voter fraud, makes such a stink about protecting voters rather than the accuracy of elections.  Makes me wonder if they have a plan to steal the 2012 election.

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