Food stamps have been the easiest way to scam the tax payers. When actual "stamps" were used, the recipient simply sold them for less than face value or traded them directly for drugs. The government wised up and began issuing a rechargeable card to food stamp recipients. Here in Ohio, the poor have had to get new cards issued after loosing them. Some recipients have lost their card over 70 times! I'm sure these folks are perfectly honest, just need to improve their memory skills a bit. The United States loose 750 million per year to food stamp fraud. See the video below.
Its not just the ghetto either, the Stimulus Program spent a boatload of money overseas, mostly in China for the beloved "Green Energy". Just another example of how we have allowed our leaders to over tax us and under manage the efficiency of how funds are spent.
Sadly we have learned very little from our failures which means we will repeat the same mistakes again and again. The road to hell was paved with good intentions and so long as we try to save everyone and eliminate their consequences of bad behavior, we will continue to crap away the big bucks. But liberals we feel good knowing that they tried to do the right thing. I'm not upset with the little dog who steals food from the table but the guy who left the vittles available deserves to loose them. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. These social programs are a disaster and I'm sure the hood is filled with creative criminal minds who are licking their chops waiting for Obamacare to get into full swing.
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